Quiz "Technology of the future"

Dies ist lediglich eine Vorschau des Quiz "Technology of the future"
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Frage 1 von 5
virtual reality...
Quizvorschau reveals hidden things
Quizvorschau blocks out real reality
Frage 2 von 5
the amount of transistors that can go into an integrated circuit doubles about every...
Quizvorschau 6 month
Quizvorschau year
Quizvorschau 2 years
Frage 3 von 5
quantum computers...
Quizvorschau will replace normal computers really soon
Quizvorschau are not meant to replace the computers we know
Frage 4 von 5
Computers lack...
Quizvorschau common sense
Quizvorschau accuracy
Quizvorschau efficiency
Frage 5 von 5
the bottom-up approach means that computers are programmed to
Quizvorschau process information
Quizvorschau learn through trial