Quiz "Technology of the future "

Dies ist lediglich eine Vorschau des Quiz "Technology of the future "
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Frage 1 von 5
The expansion of human perception...
Quizvorschau new reality
Quizvorschau augmented reality
Quizvorschau virtual reality
Frage 2 von 5
In which parts of our life that technology can be used?
Quizvorschau medicine, military, entertainment
Quizvorschau beauty, sleep
Quizvorschau videogames, food
Frage 3 von 5
How a new type of computer is called?
Quizvorschau Nuclear computer
Quizvorschau Proton computer
Quizvorschau Quantum computer
Frage 4 von 5
Can a robot get smarter by himself?
Quizvorschau yes
Quizvorschau no
Quizvorschau maybe
Frage 5 von 5
What are the main sources of energy?
Quizvorschau sun, sports
Quizvorschau oil, coal, wind
Quizvorschau water, nuclear energy