Quiz "How did the Native American's culture change under the influence of European settlers? "

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Frage 1 von 8
The Indian Removal Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Quizvorschau No, it was signed by President Martin Van Buren in 1830
Quizvorschau No, it was signed by President Martin Van Buren in 1836.
Frage 2 von 8
The Trail of tears led to (now known as) Oklahoma.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Quizvorschau No, it led to Missouri.
Quizvorschau No, it led to the east.
Frage 3 von 8
The Carlisle Indian Industrial School was opened by Richard Henry Pratt.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct. It was opened in 1879.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct. It was opened in 1899.
Quizvorschau No, he opened the Albuquerque Indian School.
Frage 4 von 8
The Native American students were taught English, French and Latin.
Quizvorschau No, they were only allowed to speak English.
Quizvorschau No, they were taught English and spoke their tribal tongues.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Frage 5 von 8
Boys had to wear military style uniforms while the girls were expected to wear Victorian style dresses.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Quizvorschau No, there didn't exist a dresscode.
Quizvorschau No, they all wore the same plain uniforms.
Frage 6 von 8
Mild punishments were used in order to teach the children a lesson.
Quizvorschau No, harsh punishments were used in order to erase the children's Indian identity.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Quizvorschau No, punishments weren't viewed as effective.
Frage 7 von 8
Today all Native American tribes have developed a written version of their language.
Quizvorschau No, that only applies to a few tribes.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Quizvorschau No, that doesn't apply to any tribe.
Frage 8 von 8
Today Native Americans live in poverty.
Quizvorschau That is partly true, but in general Native Americans have very different standards of living.
Quizvorschau Yes, that is correct.
Quizvorschau No, the majority of all Native Americans live in wealth nowadays.